
W.E.E.S.D. develops in a multitude of sectors, including renewable & green energy, food farms, recycling plant, drinking water plant, healthcare center, industrial and commercial including hotel complex and research and development of new technologies. In some sectors, and depending on our development, we acquire local businesses and help to maintain and stabilize existing jobs and or create new ones. In addition, all our developments will create numerous jobs in the medium and long term, benefiting state and citizens and by strengthening their economic stability.

Banking Support

W.E.E.S.D. interests are to strengthen the financial system by guaranteeing a level well above the minimum capital requirement and also to strengthen the financial strength of some banks in the world. Our resource will be used to stabilize and maintain order in some banks and to far exceed the financial stability ratios established by the Basel III Banking Regulatory Accords, as well as future updates. Thanks to our powerful contribution, we have a very positive view of the banking system in the countries where we operate.

State Support

W.E.E.S.D. can participate in reducing a government’s budgetary costs by financing the public debt partially or entirely with the lowest borrowing rate on the market. This would allow the state to reduce the interest on this loan and allow them to pay back the capital more efficiently. In addition to this, we can also help a government by acquiring some of their state projects in order to reduce the governmental budgetary burden. The government will be able to benefit from the use of space and services at a lower cost without having to bear the financial burden of the investment project to have access to the same benefits as an owner.

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