A revolution in the world of agriculture, inspiring the world !

With the overhang of the energy provided by our sea wave platform and its low cost, on all our energy production sites, we are going to be able to supply a variety of vegetables, fruits, fish and sea food at very low cost with our Aquaponics building farm system. All our products are organic, non-GMO and without any use of chemicals.  

Our W.E.E.S.D. aquaponic farms are at the cutting edge of technological innovation, with a focus on people and the environment. 

W.E.E.S.D. aquaponics is a closed-circuit environmental production system where fish and plants live in symbiosis. A real ecosystem takes shape, in which each species plays its part. With this type of cultivation, nothing is lost; everything is transformed and recycled.


Our system allow us to use 80% less water thanks to recirculation, avoiding discharges into the environment and the use of fertilizers and pesticides. All in all, our aquaponic system gives us a production result 10 times greater per square meter and is an efficient, space-saving method of raising fish and growing vegetables and herbs and to supply all our organic products at low cost.


Organic and free-range tech-farming controlled with intensive production. This type of structure makes it possible to offer very good quality eggs and hens on the market.

The layout of the organic chicken coop with intensive production requires very significant investments in order to have a very high quality. 

These are equipped with all the technological equipment necessary for the proper functioning as well as the hens are fed a high quality of feed, such as our crickets and our new organic seaweed nuggets. We will be able to provide hens and eggs of very high quality at a low selling price.  


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