Another of our sustainable developments is the transformation of waste into energy. Our facilities use combustion to transform waste into steam, electricity and recycled metals. Rather than landfill, waste is burned and used to generate energy, reducing soil contamination and reusing metals for new purposes.

W.E.E.S.D. mini Waste to Energy plant can have different names such as a trash-to-energy plan and a green waste incineration. Our mini waste-to-energy plant is a waste management facility that combusts wastes with advanced technology to avoid the maximum of pollution and makes it possible to produce electricity and to recycle the metal. 

Our waste to energy sites also avoids contamination of the ground and the land with waste produce by municipality with their citizen and their industrial. Our Waste-to-Energy facilities are designed to convert the waste that remains after recycling into electricity for homes, businesses and or steam to industries. For each of our mini plant, we reduce Million Tons of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, we recycle hundreds of tons of metal, we avoid land contamination with waste and we supply energy to the local city.



With the recycling of metal generated by our waste-to-energy plant, we can recycle millions of tons of metal each year including ferrous like steel and non-ferrous like aluminum, copper and etc. The goals it’s to produce a high quality and quantity of recycling metal to manufacture our own products and also to provide at lower cost the industrial companies in the country.

Thanks to our technological advances, we can recycle metals and give them a new life and a new use for another application.


With our knowledge and advanced technology, we can build better and cheaper roads. Recycling asphalt with an application of ash waste component from waste recycling result by the waste to energy plant allows us to save money by reusing it and allows us to receive a more sustainable product at the end.

We recycle asphalt, and mix it with produced ash during waste recycling with the waste to energy plant and turn it into stronger versions of asphalt called Reclaimed Asphalt Coating and Recycled Asphalt Shingles. Recycled asphalt materials also generate energy savings, as crushing and binding consumes much less energy than creating traditional asphalt binders from petroleum, which reduces state costs for the road maintenance and for the production of new road.


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