The sea is the world’s largest energy collector and storage medium. Waves draw their energy from the wind. Waves gather, store and transmit this energy over thousands of kilometers with little loss. Wave energy will never be exhausted, and is a renewable form of energy. Indirect use of thermo-fluid engineering knowledge is applied to convert wave energy into useful energy for domestic and commercial use.

Sea Wave Energy conversion activities must be preceded by an analysis of wave energy data expressed in terms of height, period, direction of propagation and power that can be generated along the coastline of the countries where we will be developing.

Our sea wave energy processing is the energy of the future. Our marine renewable energy is decarbonized with an ultra-competitive technology integrated into the landscape. Our advancement will be the cheapest and most decarbonized electricity and hydrogen in the world. 

Thanks to our adapted technologies, we are able to supply energy at low cost, whatever the wave height.

It will also provide coastal protection, a green Hydrogen and CO2 Sequestration. Our energy selling price will be among the lowest prices in the world market about 5 cents Euro per KWatt.

We have three different types of proven marine renewable energy prototypes. Whatever the type of wave, we can create and supply energy at low cost.



Green energy to power the cities, shipping and cars of tomorrow !

Our new W.E.E.S.D. technology separates hydrogen and oxygen from seawater using electricity generated by our Sea Wave technologies. 

Hydrogen is the fuel of the future, because burning hydrogen produces only water, and this combustion emits no carbon dioxide. What’s more, this technology with a device will also enable divers and submarines to produce oxygen at depth without having to return to the surface to find air. 



Our Sea Wave technologies show the way for greater availability of wave-produced hydrogen & oxygen in the future. WEESD paves the way for limitless hydrogen production!


Our concept is to capture the energy produced at a given moment and use it later to reduce imbalances between energy demand and production. Storing this energy involves converting it from forms that are difficult to store to forms that are more convenient or economical to store. This enables us to store energy for both the short and longer term. Grid energy storage is a set of methods used for large-scale energy storage within a power grid.

Energy storage can replace or complement almost all aspects of a power system, including generation, transmission and demand flexibility through pumped hydro, thermal energy storage, mechanical energy storage & seawater salt battery.


We have the pumped hydro method, which involves pumping water upstream when energy demand is low. The water can be stored in a reservoir and, during periods of high demand, released by turbines to generate electricity. This principle uses the movement of water to generate electricity, and plays an essential role in decarbonizing the electricity system and helping to fill gaps in energy demand.

We also have the thermal energy storage method. This is particularly useful for buildings and industrial processes. This involves storing surplus energy from renewable sources and/or heat created for later use in heating, cooling or power generation.

Mechanical energy storage also aims to harness motion or gravity to store surplus electricity, as in the case of flywheel energy storage, or compressed-air energy storage, which involves storing air under pressure and then heating and expanding it in a turbine to produce energy when needed.

Our seawater salt battery technology is one of the safest ways to store electrical energy. Salt is an abundant and renewable resource on earth. The synergy between our Sea Wave plant and our drinking seawater production plant, and its recycling into salt, enable us to create a high-performance battery that is less risky, less costly and more respectful of the environment. Our green energy can be stored in equally green batteries. Our technology is particularly well suited to long-term stationary applications such as residential and commercial buildings, or stand-alone off-grid solutions. Our seawater salt batteries are made from entirely non-hazardous materials, making them easy to recycle, transport and handle. They are also non-flammable, non-explosive and environmentally friendly. Our future is renewable and green energy !

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